I suggest learning how to weave with out beads first. After you learn to bead I highly suggest trying out the "Kumihino Designer App" on Google play.
*Update: The ""Kumihino Designer App" is unavailable at Google play. I will update as I get more info.
Clayton cut and colored my hair when it had several deposits from coloring and uneven length from growing out an asymmetrical style. He is very good at what he does.
As of yesterday while creating this section, I called Pure Options and asked if they had time for a customer comment. The representative said, "Yes." So I told him what was on my mind. He said he was glad that I told him what I did. He asked if he could transfer me to the store manager so I could tell her what I told him. I was then transferred.
I told her for a long time, they sold the 'Bamn' wax at 10 grams in individual gram pucks for $75 tax not included. That was great. I bought at that price for months. They recently started two sales even better. 15 individual grams for $75 not including tax. Sometimes I don't have enough but I want to get about 5 grams to last and get a good deal. Now they have 5 individual grams for about thirty. (Prices and availability could change. I suggest looking at thier website before heading to the store.) They said they will keep the price going that way as long as they can. I told her Pure Options is my favorite dispensary. Somethings I told the manager but not the representative: I added I used to live by a Pure Options. When weed became state legal for recreational use, I went in there as the first dispensary I ever went in to buy anything Marijuana wise.
I went in and the lady and the counter started to assist me. I told her it was my first time legally buying. She got excited for me. Her hair was in two buns on the sides of her head. That made me ask her if she liked, 'Sailor Moon.' Her and about three other girls working all said in unison, "Yyyaaas. I love Sailor Moon." As I left I said bye to everyone and stated, "Moon prism power!" They all said in unison, "Yaaaas. Bye!"
It was a long time waiting to be able to buy in a store. It was grand I had that experience. I told her I will put a link on my domain and write this paraphrasing:
You can ask your bud tender recommendations on the effect you want and they assist. You can ask to feel sleepy, relaxed, creative, focused, calm, or combinations of these. Not every one responds the same way, but it usually works how they suggest it might. I've tried all these effects except sleepy. They worked. You can ask to see a monkey in a tree. They'd be like, "I got you." Two hours into your smoke session you'd see a monkey in a tree.*
I told her I didn't plan on "hussling" my art when I called, but suggested I could sell my prints there if she wanted. She said that is a possibility. She is interested in selling local art. She took down the name of the domain and my number. If I do end up selling there, I am going to sign prints. I might have my temporary tattoos I wrote about in my blog available there. I have been going to Pure Options more than any other dispensary since recreational became legal in Michigan.
*You probably won't see a monkey in a tree if you ask. I was joking to make a point you can ask about what effect you want.